DynamicContent Send for Approval

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 18:08

DynamicContent Send for Approval

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Posted by Community Admin on 24-Sep-2013 00:00

I have setup a simple 1 step workflow that requires an admin to approve a new dynamic module (license).  I'm trying to allow regular unauthenticated users submit a license and then have the admin approve it.

DynamicContent license = dynamicManager.CreateDataItem(licenseType);
license.SetValue("Title", txtTitle.Text);
license.SetValue("Description", htmlDescription.Text);
DynamicContent masterLicense = license;
DynamicContent tempLicense = dynamicManager.Lifecycle.CheckOut(masterLicense) as DynamicContent;
var contextBag = new Dictionary<string, string>();
contextBag.Add("ContentType", licenseType.FullName);
WorkflowManager.MessageWorkflow(tempLicense.Id, licenseType, dynamicManager.Provider.Name, "SendForApproval", true, contextBag);
masterLicense = dynamicManager.Lifecycle.CheckIn(tempLicense) as DynamicContent;

I'm running into trouble on the MessageWorkflow, the error message is telling me "Authorization failed"

Any suggestions?

Posted by Community Admin on 27-Sep-2013 00:00

Hi Mark,

Thank you for using Sitefinity!

Does the error reproduce when you execute the code while logged in as admin (or a user that can make modifications to the module items)?

If you want to run your logic with authentication you should place it in a method, which you can pass to the SystemManager.RunWithElevatedPrivilege(), as a delegate, so that you can authenticate yourself.

Another thing you could try is to run it in elevated mode like so:

using (new ElevatedModeRegion(dynamicManager))
            //your logic here

You can also suppress the security checks before making the changes like so:
dynamicManager.Provider.SuppressSecurityChecks = true;

After the SaveChanges do not forget to set it back to false.

Try those and if you ran into some problems, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Ivan A. Petrov
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