Security question
1. I have a forms authentication against a SQLmembershipDB. however it has custom code in it.
2. I have all this in a usercontrol that I can just drop on a page.
3. I'm looking for the quickest way I can make this work in sitefinity.
the reason I say quickest is I need it to work quick but in the near future I am going to re-write out security using a STS service for Single Signon so if it's not pretty or fast right now I'm fine with that as in (hopefully) 3-4 months I can find the time to re-write our security properly.
I have a secure area in sitefinity that only a special role can view. "sfUser"
when this page is hit it redirects to my login page with my usercontrol in it. it logs in correctly but I don't guess sitefinity see's it as I get redirected back evertime I hit the page
I have tried adding the following in just after Authentication in the usercontrol in sitefinity but it doesn't seem to be working.
//for sitefinity. this is really cheating as the login has already happened but this makes sitefinity aware of it.
if (!sUserName.Contains("@"))
sUserName += "";
var userMan = UserManager.GetManager("AspNetSqlMembershipProvider");
var currUser = userMan.GetUser(sUserName);
if (userMan.ValidateUser(sUserName, sPassword))
if (userMan.ValidateUser(sUserName, sPassword))
//if you need to get the user instance use the out parameter
Telerik.Sitefinity.Security.Model.User userToAuthenticate = null;
SecurityManager.AuthenticateUser(userMan.Provider.Name, sUserName, sPassword, false, out userToAuthenticate);
RoleManager roleManager = RoleManager.GetManager("AspNetSqlRoleProvider");
if (!roleManager.RoleExists(roleName))
User user = userMan.GetUser(sUserName);
bool isUserInRole = roleManager.IsUserInRole(user.Id, roleName);
Role role = roleManager.GetRole(roleName);
if (! isUserInRole)
roleManager.AddUserToRole(userToAuthenticate, role);
//end for sitefinity