Get all Events including expired and unpublished items

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 17:47

Get all Events including expired and unpublished items

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Posted by Community Admin on 21-Nov-2013 00:00

Hi Everyone,

Our special needs school has a number of events scheduled throughout the school year and events are assigned one of several different predefined categories. 

I need to display a school calendar list that pulls information out of a custom school calendar widget that shows holidays, staff training days, etc. and displays the information by month.  I also need to include events by month and category in this list. 

I have all of this working nicely but have run into an issue I didn't anticipate.  We generally un-publish events a week after the event date has passed.  The problem is that my list doesn't show un-published events which makes it look like we've had no events from July 1, 2013 (the beginning of our current school year) to November 2013.

Here's what the code that gets events be category looks like.  Any thoughts?

private PACCalendarItemDataCollection GetNLGEvents()
    string nlgEventCategory = EventUtilities.GeneralNLGEvents;
    Taxon generalNLGCategoryTaxon = TaxonUtilities.GetCategoryByTitle(nlgEventCategory);
    List<Event> nlgEventItems = EventUtilities.GetEventByCategory(generalNLGCategoryTaxon.Id);
    return nlgEventItems
public static List<Event> GetEventByCategory(Guid categoryId)
    var taxonomyMgr = TaxonomyManager.GetManager();
    var eventMgr = EventsManager.GetManager();
    // Get the Id of the category
    var taxonId = taxonomyMgr.GetTaxa<HierarchicalTaxon>()
             .Where(t => t.Id == categoryId)
    // Get all event items that are assigned to this category
    var eventItemsInCategory = eventMgr.GetEvents().Where(p => p.Status == ContentLifecycleStatus.Live && p.GetValue<TrackedList<Guid>>("Category").Contains(taxonId));
    return eventItemsInCategory.ToList();

Thanks -- Steve

Posted by Community Admin on 22-Nov-2013 00:00

Hello Steve,

Thank you for sharing your code snippets. Due to our lifecycle we provide three different versions for the items- Master, Live and Temp. The live items are design to be visible on the frontend:

The items are always created in Master state and once you Publish them we create a Live version for them, similarly when you Unpublish them then you can access the item only through its Master version. Please notice that if you save as Draft any item then the Temp version of the item will be destroyed and the changes over the item will be copied to the Master version, so if you show on the frontend Master items you will display some items that are currently saved as Draft.

Is there any particular reason to mark the events as Unpublished one week after the event pass? I could suggest you keep their status set to Publish and perform a filtering to get which of the events has been passed if somewhere on the frontend you need only upcoming events.

Please let me know if this suits your scenario. 

Elena Ganeva
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Posted by Community Admin on 22-Nov-2013 00:00

Hi Elena,

Most of our events are fundraising in nature.  In many cases, we'll have info about other ways people can contribute if they are unable to attend.  We like to keep the event around for an additional week or so to allow stragglers to make donations or contributions.

The facts that drafts show up in the Master state makes this unusable to our purposes.  I can imagine a poorly composed or perhaps inappropriate draft being made public.

Any other ideas?


Posted by Community Admin on 25-Nov-2013 00:00


As I understand, you have a list, where you want to display unpublished events.
At this point, you filter only published events (p.Status == ContentLifecycleStatus.Live). You can get the unpublished events with filter like - p.ApprovalWorkflowState == "Unpublished".
Also, you can think about not unpublishing them at all if you want them to stay visible. You can filter the "active" events by date for example.

Please tell me if some of this suggestions works for you, or you need further help in resolving your problem.


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