Shopping Cart Customizing
I am currently playing around with the Shopping Cart widget and have noticed a few things... I want to have multiple Update Cart buttons along with multiple Continue Shopping and Checkout buttons (one at the bottom and one at top of each. When i try to do this it will allow me to have two as long as i have two ID names but when i change the ID names of these the one that is the new name does not do what it is supposed to do anymore.
Also with the coupon code i want the text box to auto display instead of having to click a link to show it. i have no seen this so far. I want to also not display all the extra stuff to go along with the coupon code like all the discount info just want it to show a subtotal with discounts.
and a link next to the coupon entry box to delete used code.
I included a mockup for the look that i am going for if someone can point me in the right direction
Hello Ian,
Such functionality, to have two shopping carts is not supported build-in.
In order to set coupon code open, you could do it in your css by adding for example:
.sfCouponEntryField, .sfCouponEntryFieldHidden