is not a valid zip file
Hi guys,
I am using VS2012.While installing sitefinity module on my sitefinity project i am getting following error
Error occurred
Error: C:\Users\myusername\AppData\Roaming\Telerik\SitefinityThunder\ModuleCache\\ is not a valid zip file
ZipFile::Read(): Bad signature (0x3CBFBBEF) at start of file at position 0x00000004
When i see the zip file at particular location and trying to open it I got message [either unknown format or damaged]
I have tried uninstalling and installing the extension number of time but same error.Any idea what should i do?
Hello Kamran,
You can go to this folder location (C:\Users\myusername\AppData\Roaming\Telerik\SitefinityThunder\ModuleCache\\ ) and then delete the thunder zip file. It seems that your zip file is corrupted. Let me know if you are still facing the same issue after performing the action.
If you are working in Office then make you sure that you have all access of internet and remove proxy authentication.It try this and it's working find.