Custom SFClaimsAuthenticationManager
I want to inject my own claims in the Authentication process. I followed an example where by I inherited from SFClaimsAuthenticanManager and add this to my web.config file.
This was working back a couple of weeks ago. I'm not sure what's stopped it from working now.
I tried to set breakpoints in this class but they aren't being hit. But the ones in the Global.asax.cs file are.
When I decompile the Sitefinitywebapp.dll the class shows the authmanager as I have defined it.
How can I debug this and figure out of this is being loaded or not and why?
I figured it out..
Just for future reference in case anyone runs into this....
The change since the POC done is the newly created signon widget we made. It was created not doing Claims Authentication but rather just the call for the forms authentication side.
This was why my custom Authentication Manager for claims was never been hit.