Looking for Good Example of Custom Widget with Page Selector Designer
I am looking for a good example of a custom widget with a page selector in the designer (to select a URL). I only need to select pages from the sitemap (not external URLs).
I am having a real hard time finding one for a recent version of Sitefinity (currently developing on 7.0). One that was promising was from the Sitefinity team, but the link to the file was broken. Can anyone point me to an example, tutorial, or download?
The Thunder VS extension can generateit for you. Just add a guid public propertyto your widget, then it'll use that.
What I usually do is add all my properties to my widget, then when I'm done I do the add designer for existing widget function and just add everything I want. From there I can move things around and style them.
More information regarding creating widgets with designers could be found in our Sitefinity documentation.
Stefani Tacheva