adding bulk content to a module
I have created a module called stores, On the sitefinity Menu, when I go to Content > Stores, I see an option to 'create a store' where I can manually create stores with each stores complete address. I created about 10 of them for testing purposes(manually). I now need to add all the stores, which are about 500 in number, Is there a way to bulk add those stores in sitefinity, may be directly into the database or by other means?
Please let me know if that is possible. I would assume that there should be a way to upload/import an excel file or something.
Hello Phani,
In order to achieve your desired scenario I would advice to use Sitefinity API. Please check the following blog post where you can find a solution how you can import data in Dynamic modules created with module builder.
Import External Data into Sitefinity Custom Modules