ApprovalTrackingRecordMap deprecated?
I have been building a budget planning application withing Sitefinity, relying heavily on the Module Builder.
For some content items, I am listing the approval tracking history of that item while users are editing; basically who did it, when what status of the item was and the notes field. Additionally, we plan to use the notes as an option when saving draft, submitting for approval, rejecting or approving.
I've just upgraded from 6.3 to 7.0 on that project and see:
'Telerik.Sitefinity.DynamicModules.Model.DynamicContent.ApprovalTrackingRecordMap' is obsolete: 'This field is no longer used by Sitefinity content.
Is this a part of the CMS that is going away or just revamped? If revamped, where will status and notes for rejection information reside?
We have been using currentItem.ApprovalTrackingRecordMap.ApprovalRecords, resolving the user fullname and then binding to a RadGrid.
Thanks in advance for any more info on this.
Looks like I found my explanation.