Pager control, adding spacing between page numbers

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 19:45

Pager control, adding spacing between page numbers

All Replies

Posted by Community Admin on 11-Sep-2014 00:00


I'm using the the standard paging control in my templates but the numbers are too close together. they appear as 1234, not easy to click each page number. Is there a way to add some spacing between each page number?

<sf:Pager id="pager" runat="server"></sf:Pager>

I'm using Sitefinity 7.




Posted by Community Admin on 11-Sep-2014 00:00

Shouldn't be much harder than a quick css rule or 2

Maybe like  .sf_pagerNumeric amargin:0 5px; or whatever...sorry I'm on an ipad hard to type.  Just rightclick the widget in chrome or firefox and you can livepreview and tweak the style, then just copy/paste it into your theme.


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