File Manager Root
I need to focus to a specific path in the File Manager tool which is located in the Administration. The folder to be focused is highlighted in the screenshot attached. How can the file selected from this path be displayed in the client side of the site?
Hi Nivy,
In Sitefinity there is a dedicate approach for managing media content like Images, Videos, Documents and Files that should be displayed in the client side of the site. Using it will allow you to better organize your media content, store meta data (author, description, etc.), introduce workflow (drafts, published content, etc.) and provide easier access in the client side for that content using the dedicated widgets. Please find more detailed documentation here.
Is this approach viable for your needs?
Simeon Simeonov
Hi Simeon,
What I require was
1) to change the point of focus in Administration >> FileManager as shown in the screenshot attached in my previous post to the highlighted file(in the screenshot)
2) to display the file selected from the path on the front end
Hello Nivy,
The functionality we provide in the backend File Manager is implemented based on the RadFileExplorer control. You can follow the demo and design a control that will fit your criteria and show all files that are in a current folder to the front end. Simply create the control and register it as a widget in Sitefinity.
However such functionality is highly not applicable to a CMS. Therefore I can suggest what my colleague Simeon inferred in his post. You are advised to take advantage of the Media modules he specifies in order to gain full access to the functionality Sitefinity offers to you. Once you do there are various methods of exposing the content via our API.
Ivan D. Dimitrov