Statitics/Log.svc issue
I have a error later that I updated to 7.2.5310.0. The site display the error when it load some pages:
"NetworkError: 404 No found -loacalhost/.../Log.svc....." the error is because the file is not in the project, exist the way that I can off/on the write in this file?
Hello Nathalia,
The Log.svc is responsible for gathering statistics for the Personalization module. Provided you disable the module you will get rid of the exception.
I tested the same on a local project and did not manage to reproduce this error no matter what I tried. Can you please specify a scenario I can follow in order to get the same result you do?
Regarding your specific questions - the service is not located in an actual .svc file. It is part of the Telerik.Sitefinity.Services.Statistics.Impl assembly and is called via a registered URL. Therefore absence of a physical file and/or read/write permissions to such cannot be considered as reasons for this 404 status code error.
Ivan D. Dimitrov
Hi Ivan,
Thanks for replay, I installed a module that this have a different widgets. I create pages with some widget that I installed but the error occurred in the redirects into pages.
How I can enable the module for not get the exception?
Hello Natalia,
I am afraid I cannot give you an exact answer since I cannot manage to get the service reproduce the behavior on my end. What I can suggest is for you to submit a support ticket where me or one of my teammates can investigate your solution and provide an exact solution to this issue.
Ivan D. Dimitrov