Using SitefinitySTS with custom .NET Application
Can anyone point me to some documentation or forum post showing how to implement Claims Based Authentication and Single Sign On where a custom .NET app uses the Sitefinity STS?
We have a .NET application we are developing for a client that must interact with their Sitefinity
Website that is using Single Sign On via the Sitefinity STS project.
Thank you for your time.
Using SitefinitySTS with custom .NET Application
Unfortunately, we cannot provide such a sample, since the scenario is specific to the custom application and we cannot handle all cases that might occur. You can take a look at the following resources:
Authentication and Single Sign-On (SSO)
Single Sign On Between Sitefinity and 3rd Party Applications: Part 1 - The Basics
Claims-Based Single Sign on with Sitefinity
Nikola Zagorchev