Sitefinity Modules as a Relational DB
Hi, can I run something past you please?
Say I want to develop a Sitefinity site that has, say, a "Employee" module where employees details can be stored. And then I want to have an ExpenseClaims module where expense claims can be added...
I can obviously link ExpenseClaim to Employee using RelatedData, so when a claim is entered, the relevant Employee is selected. But is there an easy way to present this related data to the user, either on a SF page or in the backend please?
So, for example, can I look at all the ExpenseClaims in the backend and see the Employee each is attached to? Or, I can make a easily make a Widget where the Employees details are displayed plus a list of their ExpenseClaims?
I'm just struggling to see how I can easily see this link at design and runtime.
Any pointer in the right direction would be appreciated. Cheers, Dave.
Hi Dave,
You can add the Employee/s as related filed in the ExpenseClaim Content Item than to display them on the frontend if needed. Both could be created by Module Builder.
More information is available in the following articles:
- Content relations: Related data
- Dynamic modules and the Module Builder
Svetoslav Manchev