Email campaign subscriber information seems to be in two tables, but why?
We're currently looking into a mail delivery issue in the Email Campaigns feature and in order to avoid sending thousands of people test emails we went ahead and updated the sf_subscriber table changing all email addresses to an internal email address.
We confirmed this change by navigating to Subscribers under the Email Campaigns menu. (All subscriber email addresses had been changed)
Using Smtp4Dev we then set about Creating and Sending an Issue to 5 users. What we didn't expect to find was that the Issue would have gone out to the subscribers and their original email addresses.
Using a text search tool that searches all tables in a database for matching text values we found duplicate subscriber records in the sf_notif_subscribers. Sadly, using the Sitefinity Backend to change one of the subscribers does NOT update this table, so we're confused now about the purpose of these two tables.
What are they for and how is the data in them managed?
Hello Jacques,
Please note that it is not supported to make manual changes directly in the database since this may harm your project and cause issues.
I made some tests on my side and created a subscriber and sent an issue to this subscriber. After that I updated the email of the subscriber from the backend under Marketing -> Subscribers and sent an issue again. The issue was sent to the updated email. I am sending attached a short video demonstrating the behavior on my side.
Please note that we had a known issue that when the email of a subscriber is updated, the new issue is sent to the old email. Here is the link to the description of the bug on our feedback portal. Fortunately, the issue has been resolved in Sitefinity 6.3.5017 as noted on the above link. If your current Sitefinity version is below this internal build, I would suggest that you upgrade your project to the latest Sitefinity release in order to have this fix included.
Sabrie Nedzhip