News Detail page Url
Dear SF supports,
I'm having troubles when trying to get News item url in another language.
My website has 2 languages: English and Arabic. In all page, I have 2 links: English and Arabic, which lead user to another language version of current page.
For news Detail page, I have the following url: localhost/.../abc for the News whose title = "abc" and publication date = "2013/03/27"
Below is the method I used to get Arabic url:
ObjectFactory.Resolve<UrlLocalizationService>().ResolvePageUrl(pageNode, cultureInfo);
with pageNode is the current Page Node.
However, it returns localhost/.../التفاصيل
The url is correct, but it should include news' publication date and url name.
Could you please support me to fix that.
Hi Trung,
You can use the below code to get the details url: