How do I implement custom routes?

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 19:32

How do I implement custom routes?

All Replies

Posted by Community Admin on 14-Jan-2016 00:00

I have some of my controllers located in a subfolder in my Controllers folder. Similarly, I have the views located under a similar folder structure.

Example: Mvc->Controllers->AccountSettingsControllers->ChangeUserNameController.cs



When I run it, the route comes out as "Mvc->Views->ChangeUserName". How can I setup my controller route so it goes from "Mvc->Views->ChangeUserName" to "Mvc->Views->AccountSettingsViews->ChangeUserName"?


Side Question here: Where is sitefinity's code documentation? I want to know the meaning behind certain parameters of their RouteAttributes. Documentation in the code is lacking, and I can't find any reference to it online.

Posted by Community Admin on 15-Jan-2016 00:00

Hi Bryson

You can keep your controller the way they are and Sitefinity should pick them up, or you can see here you can add MVC Areas

The views you will need to either add a new ViewEngine with the location of the folders you would like searched when the site initialises for views (


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