Custom field type not saved for dynamic module

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 10:26

Custom field type not saved for dynamic module

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Posted by Community Admin on 18-Feb-2016 00:00

I am using Sitefinity 8.0 and have created a custom field type to use a UK date format. I want to replace the standard date field type used in my dynamic modules.

I updated a field by going to Settings > Advanced > DynamicModules > Controls > MyType > Views > MyTypeInsertView > Section > MainSection > Fields > MyDateField and changing the FieldType to 'MyProj.Web.UKDateField, MyProj.Web'.

The dynamic module updates correctly, and the DynamicModulesConfig.config is updated, but as soon as the dynamic module is edited e.g. to add a new field, the config reverts back to the original type 'Telerik.Sitefinity.Web.UI.Fields.DateField, Telerik.Sitefinity'.

How can ensure my custom field type is retained?  Where is the default type coming from? 

Posted by Community Admin on 22-Feb-2016 00:00

Hello Ollie,

I am afraid that the current implementation is such that whenever a modification is made to the dynamic module, the definitions are regenerated and any customization is lost. Please refer to the below KB article for more details about this:'s-definitions-are-lost-after-updating-module-fields

This is considered missing implementation and a feature request is logged related to this as noted in the above KB artcile. here is the link to the description of the feature request:

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Unfortunately, there isn't a workaround available at the moment.

Sabrie Nedzhip

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Posted by Community Admin on 25-Feb-2016 00:00

I’ve looked into this and I believe this should be possible by creating a custom/extended datepicker control template (.ascx) and binding via ViewMap (Administration - Settings - Controls –ViewMap)
HostType: Telerik.Sitefinity.Web.UI.Fields.DateField, Telerik.Sitefinity
LayoutTemplatePath: <path to ascx>
As far as I understand this should replace all datepickers on the backend with the custom template. I believe the custom template doesn’t need any special markup but it needs to override JavaScript prototype methods that are responsible for creating the datepicker field.
The first link below talks about customizing the datepicker field to change the time format from 24 hours to AM/PM. 
Here’s a piece of JavaScript that does it:
Telerik.Sitefinity.Web.UI.Fields.DateField.prototype._setDateTimeMode = function (dFormat, tFormat)
this._datePicker = jQuery("#" + this._datePickerId).datetimepicker(
dateFormat: dFormat, hourGrid: tFormat, timeFormat: 'hh:mm TT', minuteGrid: 10, beforeShow: this._datePickerOnPopupOpeningDelegate, onClose: this._datePickerOnPopupClosingDelegate, showOn: "focus", ampm: true
I believe that it should be possible to change the dateFormat field (highlighted in yellow) to force it to render dates in UK format.


Could you confirm if this is a workable solution?

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