Sitefinity Set Response Headers

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 10:52

Sitefinity Set Response Headers

All Replies

Posted by Community Admin on 11-Apr-2016 00:00


On my web site I want to set expires response headers as 0. I tried the following code on a  Page_Load of a dummy aspx page which I created in visual studio.

 Response.AppendHeader("Expires", "0");

But, when I added the same code on Page_Load of the Master Page of the aspx page which I created in sitefinity it doesn't work. Same result on user control used on that page.

Please see the attached screenshots.

Can anyone help?



Posted by Community Admin on 11-Apr-2016 00:00

I'm using  Sitefinity 7.2

Posted by Community Admin on 14-Apr-2016 00:00

Hello Shubhankar,

The header "Expires" is only added to authenticated backend users in Sitefinity when the In-line editing functionality is enabled. This is not visible to visitors of the site.

To remove the Expires -1 header for authenticated Sitefinity users that currently are the ones that can ssee it. Disable inline editing functionality by going to Administration->Settings->Advanced->Pages and set the value of textbox Enable In-Line editing to False, then save changes.

Since there is no Expires header added by Sitefinity add one if needed, for example adding it in web.config.

       <add name="Expires" value="1" />

Stanislav Velikov
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