Video gallery -Widget
Hello everyone ,
I am currently developing a website using sitefinity CMS . On a template i have a contentplaceholder for image gallery and i am using the in-built widget in that placeholder. Based on the template, i need to create pages and each page is going to have a set of gallery images .
Is it possible to get the folder name dynamically and get only those images which are in that particular folder for each page.I am using a user control to get the gallery images .
Hi Alka,
Instead of trying to do this dynamically I would suggest making the Image Gallery widget editable on pages and configuring it for a certain library on each page. For more information refer to our documentation article:
Velizar Bishurov
Heyy ,
Yes , my gallery is editable in all the pages . and of course i'm pointing it to individual folders created inside library for each page . However , for customers who are logged in , i need to give them access to other document folders as well. So my logic is conditional . That's why if its possible to somehow get the folder name of the galleries , it will be very easier for my client to get it from the cms.
Please suggest a better way to proceed .
Thanks ,