Conditionally Display Navigation Links

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 19:24

Conditionally Display Navigation Links

All Replies

Posted by Community Admin on 27-Apr-2016 00:00

I've been at this all day, something I thought would be simple turn out to no be so simple.  I'm trying to conditionally display a navigation link but it either doesn't display at all, displays all the time, or the href & target are not evaluated.


One of my issues comes in the form of Eval("Attributes[LocationID]") != "" not being evaluated properly.  It no matter what comes up empty, yet the evals right after will have the proper value.  I'm just not seeing what I need to do to get it to only display when the Attributes[LocationID] is nonempty.


01.<%@ Control Language="C#" %>
02.<%@ Import Namespace="Telerik.Sitefinity.Web.UI.NavigationControls.Extensions.LightNavigationControlTemplate" %>
03.<%@ Import Namespace="Telerik.Sitefinity.Web.UI.NavigationControls" %>
04.<%@ Register Assembly="Telerik.Sitefinity" TagPrefix="navigation" Namespace="Telerik.Sitefinity.Web.UI.NavigationControls" %>
05.<%@ Register Assembly="Telerik.Sitefinity" TagPrefix="sf" Namespace="Telerik.Sitefinity.Web.UI" %>
07.<sf:ResourceLinks runat="server" UseEmbeddedThemes="true" Theme="Basic">
08.    <sf:ResourceFile Name="Telerik.Sitefinity.Resources.Themes.Basic.Styles.nav.widget.css" Static="true" />
11.<navigation:SitefinitySiteMapDataSource runat="server" ID="dataSource" />
13.<sf:SitefinityLabel id="title" runat="server" WrapperTagName="div" HideIfNoText="true" HideIfNoTextMode="Server" />
14.<div class="sfNavWrp sfNavVerticalWrp <%= this.GetCssClass() %>">
15.    <%-- responsive design section - renders templates for the responsive design--%>
16.        <navigation:NavTransformationTemplate runat="server" TransformationName="ToToggleMenu" TemplateName="ToggleMenu" />
17.        <navigation:NavTransformationTemplate runat="server" TransformationName="ToDropDown" TemplateName="Dropdown" />
18.        <%--end of the responsive design section --%>
20.            <ul class="sfNavVertical sfNavList">
21.                <navigation:NavigationContainer runat="server" DataSourceID="dataSource">
22.                    <Templates>
23.                        <navigation:NavigationTemplate>
24.                            <Template>
25.                              <sf:Conditional If='<%# Eval("Attributes[LocationID]") != "" %>' >
26.                                    <Then>
27.                                        <li id='<%# Eval("Id") %>'>
28.                                            <a runat="server" href='<%# Eval("ParentNode.Attributes[LocationID]") != "" ? NavigationUtilities.ResolveUrl(Container.DataItem) + "?locationId=" + Eval("ParentNode.Attributes[LocationID]") : NavigationUtilities.ResolveUrl(Container.DataItem) %>'
29.                                            target='<%# NavigationUtilities.GetLinkTarget(Container.DataItem) %>'>
30.                                                <%# Eval("Title")%> <%# Eval("Attributes[LocationID]") %>
31.                                            </a>
32.                                        </li>
33.                                    </Then>
34.                                </sf:Conditional>
35.                            </Template>
36.                            <SelectedTemplate>
37.                              <sf:Conditional If='<%# Eval("Attributes[LocationID]") != "" %>' >
38.                                    <Then>
39.                                        <li id='<%# Eval("Id") %>'>
40.                                            <a runat="server" href='<%# Eval("ParentNode.Attributes[LocationID]") != "" ? NavigationUtilities.ResolveUrl(Container.DataItem) + "?locationId=" + Eval("ParentNode.Attributes[LocationID]") : NavigationUtilities.ResolveUrl(Container.DataItem) %>'
41.                                            target='<%# NavigationUtilities.GetLinkTarget(Container.DataItem) %>'>
42.                                                <%# Eval("Title")%> <%# Eval("Attributes[LocationID]") %>
43.                                            </a>
44.                                        </li>
45.                                    </Then>
46.                                </sf:Conditional>
47.                            </SelectedTemplate>
48.                        </navigation:NavigationTemplate>
49.                    </Templates>
50.                </navigation:NavigationContainer>
51.            </ul>

Posted by Community Admin on 02-May-2016 00:00


Can you please check this forum post and try the suggestion there:

As suggested in the above forum post please try to cast the value of the custom text field to string and then check if the value is empty string.

Sabrie Nedzhip

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Posted by Community Admin on 02-May-2016 00:00

I've already done that, doesn't change anything.  I still have the issue of it not evaling cast or not.

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