ERP System development

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 09:59

ERP System development

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Posted by Community Admin on 24-May-2016 00:00

I am learning sitefinity to integrate with our existing product but I can't seem to find the right answer.

I want to develop customer module using sitefinity.

1.Show Customer List

2.Create Customer

3.Edit Customer

3.Delete Customer...

how to develop this ? use form response ? where can i find any sample like this ?


Posted by Community Admin on 27-May-2016 00:00


In Sitefinity's Ecommerce implementation the customers are the Sitefinity users. These are listed under Administration -> Users in the backend. There is no widget that would display a list of users in the frontend, but you could create a custom one and use the API to display them.

Other than that you could use the Module Builder and create a custom module for the customers as per your liking.

Velizar Bishurov

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