Arabic Culture URL
I am working on a website which is multilingual . once I am adding the AR or AR-SA the calendars are transformed to be in Hijri . I am trying to use another culture but the problem is that I am unable to hide the culture extension from the URL . for example /ar-jo/ to be replaced with /ar/ or /Arabic/
please advise
Hi Enas,
I faced with the same problem. That what I did:
I used "AR" language and created a new extension method for string formatting with a Gregorian calendar. You can find it here:
And then I used this extension method in all necessary widget templates. Let me know if you have any questions about that
Thank you for your reply . I am new to Sitefinty , I am wondering where shall I place this file , in order to be able to use the method within the news widget?
Are you developer?
Just add class inside you VS project and then compile everything.
Then you need to go to widget template for news widget and edit this template. You can read how to edit widget templates here:
Thanks in advance .
Sure, you can add it inside your Sitefinity project and compile it.
And then you can use this extension method in widget templates (don't forget to add necessary using in widget template)
If you have problems how to open Sitefinity project, how to compile or how to edit widget template, you can write me directly by email: victor.leontev _at_ gmail _dot_ com