Email address obfuscator for Sitefinity

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 15:19

Email address obfuscator for Sitefinity

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Posted by Community Admin on 09-May-2017 00:00

I was looking for a simple yet thorough solution to automatically obfuscate email addresses for Sitefinity. Since there is no Sitefinity solution for this out of the box, I would like to share what I have found to work for me.

I am now using a HttmModule called nJupiter.Web.UI.EmailObfuscator. Implementation was very simple:
command in the VisualStudio package manager:

Install-Package nJupiter.Web.UI.EmailObfuscator

Besides the installation of the HttpModule itself, the HttpModule must be bypassed for all requests of pages in edit mode. The module checks for the presence of a HttpContext item with the key "NJUPITER_EMAIL_OBFUSCATION_DISABLED". If this item's value is not null, the email address obfuscation will be bypassed for the request.

I found the easiest way to do this is in global.asax using the Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute event. Here is my code global.asax code:


// This key is used in the nJupiter.Web.UI.EmailObfuscator HttpModule to check for onfuscation bypass of the request
const string ObfuscationDisabledKey = "NJUPITER_EMAIL_OBFUSCATION_DISABLED";
protected void Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //Disable email obfuscation if...
          HttpContext.Current.Items.Add(ObfuscationDisabledKey, true);
protected bool CheckEmailObfuscationConditions()
      // by default, return false which causes email obfucation to be bypassed by default
      var result = false;
       // have webservices obfuscate email addresses:
       if (HttpContext.Current.Handler is WebService) result = true;
       if (HttpContext.Current.Handler is Page)
            var page = (Page)HttpContext.Current.Handler;
             if (page != null)
                    if (!page.IsBackend()
                        && !page.IsIndexingMode()
                        && !page.IsDesignMode()
                        && !page.IsInlineEditingMode()
                        && !ClaimsManager.GetCurrentIdentity().IsAuthenticated)
                        result = true;      // pages for unauthenticated frontend visitors have obfuscated email addresses
      return result;


I hope this helps.

Best regards, Mikael


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