European Language Certificates for sale(
we are an organization specialized in the acquisition of European
Language Certificates or telc, Ielts,toefl ,gre certification etc .
We can provide original certificates for those of you, who for one
reason or the other are unable to take the test or obtained the
required band score demanded by their institution,employers or
embassy, We Thus can help you overcome this hike by offering Test Free
Certificates in Ielts,Toefl IBT,GRE etc . Certificates are
original/Real issueds by the official Ielts,Toefl ,GRE etc Authorities
. certifcates can be verifieds and results can be seen at the website
. we do not have any questions to ask, you need certification in
IELTS,TOEFL etc urgently? WE CAN HELP! . We do provide only original
certificates with online verification possibilities . You are
guaranteed at 100% doing this with us, as the certificate you obtain
is 100% legal and accepted anywhere without any dought . Customers
interested in obtaining the certificate should contact us through the
contact details listed below
Payment and prices shall be discussed upon your respond to this ad
WE can also help you to get valid Work permits,Driver's license,second
passport and Visas to European ,USA,Canada and Australia etc .
IELTS is the high-stakes English test for study, migration or work
if interested contact below for more details :
contact email
skype : ielts provider
Information about other language exams we provide
German as a Foreign Language: TestDaF, TELC, TestAS, onDaF
French: TELC
Spanish: DELE, TELC
Italian: TELC
Russian: TRKI
if interested contact below for more details :
contact email
skype : ielts provider
below is a list of our products
IELTS-International English Language Testing System
TEIC-Test of English for International Communication
TOEFL - Test Of English as a Foreign Language
TOEIC - Test Of English for International Communication
TORFL - Test of Russian as Foreign Language
EFS - English for Foreign Students
EYL - English for Young Learners
TEPL - Test of English Proficiency Level
TEIC - Test of English for International Communication
TEA - Test of English for Aviation
EFFS - English for Foreign Students
ENFS - English for Foreign Students
TEEP - Test in English for Educational Purposes
TEAM - Test of English at Matriculation
TEDE - Test of English for Distance Education
TOEF - Test of English as Foreign
TOEIC - Test of English for Internaional Communication
TOEIC - Test of English for International Conversation
TOESP - Test of English for Special Purposes
teap - Test of English for Academic Purposes
tefl - Test of English as a Foreign Language tefl
contact email
skype : ielts provider