Schedued tasks are not executing in sitefinity 8.1

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 12:42

Schedued tasks are not executing in sitefinity 8.1

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Posted by Community Admin on 20-Oct-2017 00:00


I am using Scheduling API to create a "crontab" task. The problem is that the code is never executed.

From I sitefinity custom widget (inherits SimpleView) I am creating scheduled task with execution time after 5 mins:

Widget Code:

private void TheButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    RssFeedScheduledTask theRssTask = new RssFeedScheduledTask();
    theRssTask.ExecuteTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(5);
    theRssTask.Title = "RssFeedScheduledTask";
    theRssTask.Description = "Crontab tab";
    theRssTask.ScheduleSpec = "5 * * * * *";
    theRssTask.ScheduleSpecType = "crontab";
    theRssTask.IsRecurring = true;


The scheduled task code:

public class RssFeedScheduledTask : ScheduledTask
    private const string TaskKey = "F5C8088A-992D-4969-ABC7-5C1AE4B9EB78";
    private const string TaskNameText = "RssFeedTask9";
    public RssFeedScheduledTask()
        this.Key = TaskKey;
    public override void ExecuteTask()
        var newsManager = NewsManager.GetManager();
        var newsItem = newsManager.CreateNewsItem();
        newsItem.Title = "Scheduled task";
        newsItem.Description = "Scheduled task description";
        newsItem.Content = "Scheduled task Content";
        newsItem.DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow;
        newsItem.LastModified = DateTime.UtcNow;
        newsItem.PublicationDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
        newsItem.UrlName = "scheduled-task";
        var bag = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        bag.Add("ContentType", typeof(NewsItem).FullName);
        WorkflowManager.MessageWorkflow(newsItem.Id, typeof(NewsItem), null, "Publish", false, bag);
    public override string TaskName
            return TaskNameText;
    protected override bool CanReschedule()
        return true;


The sf_scheduled_tasks table in database

type_of_schedule: crontab
title: RssFeedScheduledTask
task_name: RssFeedTask9
subscr_lst_id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
status_message: NULL
status: 1
schedule_data: 5 * * * * *
progress: 0
last_modified: 2017-10-20 12:23:02.733
last_executed_time: NULL
language: NULL
ky: 9197E787-5596-6A35-BC85-FF000067CA56
is_running: 1
is_recurring : 0
instance_name: NULL
id: 9197E787-5596-6A35-BC85-FF000067CA56
execute_time: 2017-10-20 12:22:56.730
enabled: 1
description: "Crontab tab"
application_name: /Scheduling
voa_version: 2



and I've read other knowledgebase articles - didn't help.

Sitefinity version 8.1.5824.0

The issues that I've detected so far:

  • The method ExecuteTask() of my task is never executed
  • After the execution date-time passed, the "IsRunning" is true and the "status" is started
  • The task isn't rescheduled for next time

Why the ExecuteTask() is never executed ?

Any help is appreciated.

I have experience with Scheduling API is another SF project 9.2 Version and it works with no problems.




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