Subscribe to Blog Post being Published

Posted by Community Admin on 04-Aug-2018 17:24

Subscribe to Blog Post being Published

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Posted by Community Admin on 16-Nov-2017 00:00

Goal To grab the URL of a blog post from a specific blog when it has been published.

Hello, I am new to Sitefinity and have searched Google and the forums and can't quite find a good example or information on what I need to know.

The closest things I've found so far:

So first question. For my needs, which route should I go between IDataEvent and IDynamicContentUpdatedEvent?

Second. Should I be subscribed to Updated or Created? I would assume Created only fires once and does not fire again when the post is published (no posts would be created in a published state). If Updated, I can tell if the post is published by checking its status or IsPublished. But how would I differentiate between an update to publish a post and an update to an already published post? I would only want to run the code once when the post is initially published.

Third. Assuming that the item is of type BlogPost, How can I tell what Blog it belongs to? For example, under Blogs there is Blog1 and Blog2. Would I get this from BlogPost.Parent.Title?

Fourth. Does BlogPost.ItemDefaultUrl return the canonical url of the post? Is it also full path or just relative?


Update 1

I'm currently trying the IDataEvent route but am hitting a roadblock. Here is the gist so far. I'm also still not seeing a way to determine the answer to question 2.

void Content_Action(IDataEvent @event)
        var action = @event.Action;
        var contentType = @event.ItemType;
        var itemId = @event.ItemId;
        var providerName = @event.ProviderName;
        var manager = ManagerBase.GetMappedManager(contentType, providerName);
        var item = manager.GetItemOrDefault(contentType, itemId);
        var blogType = TypeResolutionService.ResolveType("Telerik.Sitefinity.Blogs.Model.BlogPost");
        if (item.GetType().FullName == blogType.FullName && action.ToLower() == "updated") //Blog post that has been updated
         //Working up to this point
            //BlogPost post = (BlogPost)item; //Doesn't seem to work
            BlogsManager blogManager = BlogsManager.GetManager();
            BlogPost post = blogManager.GetBlogPost(itemId); //This doesn't seem to work either
            if (post != null)
             //Not getting in here
                if (post.Status == ContentLifecycleStatus.Live && post.Parent.Title.ToLower() == "blog1") //blog1 post that is published
                    string url = post.ItemDefaultUrl;
                    using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                        var parm = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection();
                        parm.Add("URL", url);
                        client.UploadValues("--------------", "POST", parm);

Posted by Community Admin on 21-Nov-2017 00:00


After trial and error, I've figured out the parameters that are only true when a blog post has initially been published. Also, the item was not null and the problem causing the code to not execute was unrelated. These are what to check for:

action == "New"
item.ApprovalWorkflowState == "Published"
item.Status == ContentLifecycleStatus.Live
item.Visible == true

Those are the parameters that will only exist the first time an unpublished post is published, with the kicker being the action being "New" and not "Updated".


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