Is Headless Sitefinity mutually exclusive to Digital Experie

Posted by svict4 on 05-Jul-2019 06:14

My developers are really pushing hard for headless, but I'm wondering, do we have to sacrifice integration with Digital Experience Cloud if we wanted to go headless?
There's a lot of great things with DEC that I don't want to miss out on, by the same token, upgrading our frontend to something very modern will give my dev an edge and keep them happy.

Does Sitefinity have something similar to Sitecore's Omni? They literally sell it as "With Sitecore’s headless CMS, you don’t lose personalization"

All Replies

Posted by eventsxd on 05-Jul-2019 13:16

There is no reason to sacrifice integration.  With your headless app you can use the .NET SDK for DEC on the server side and the Javascript SDK on the client side to track whatever you want to track from non-Sitefinity sites

Good luck


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