Feature Requests

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 05:15

Feature Requests

All Replies

Posted by Community Admin on 23-Apr-2010 00:00

1) The RadFileExplorer supports folder to folder user permissions...perhaps in the config somewhere we could link roles to folders.  This way when a user loads up the file explorer they only see the folders they have access to (instead of no file explorer, or the entire webroot)

2) File explorer preview and\or (I know this isnt built into the RadExplorer) but text file editing...open a radwindow with an editor, and save the results back to the FS when save is clicked

...anyone else?

Posted by Community Admin on 23-Apr-2010 00:00

Option to set expires headers on the library images

Posted by Community Admin on 23-Apr-2010 00:00

I would also like an show in navigation from till function for pages.


Posted by Community Admin on 23-Apr-2010 00:00

yes, totally, we have a need for that as well!

We have cases that need to show and hide themselves from the menu during certain periods of the year.

Posted by Community Admin on 23-Apr-2010 00:00

Another feature request would be a true 4-eye workflow.

Imagine this scenario.

Small Business with two persons in administration that are in charge of updateing. Boss sais its no problem they do it but I always want one person controling the changes of the other.

This is currently not possible in 3.7 unless you make two roles one with publish rights the other without publish rights.

But you would end up that the same person would always have to do the editing and the other would have to publish.

A true 4-eyes should have the possibility that you can not approve your own changes even though you might have the right to approve and publish pages.

Regards Markus

Posted by Community Admin on 23-Apr-2010 00:00

I think the roadmap mentions that approvals will use Workflow 4, so really anything should be possible...

Integration with Windows Workflow Foundation
This includes support for WWF runtime, a set of predefined activities for Sitefinity workflows and web controls for displaying and executing workflows dynamically.

Posted by Community Admin on 23-Apr-2010 00:00

I hope rollback creats a new version instead of deleting all newer versions

Version 5
Version 4
Version 3
Version 2
Version 1

If you rollback to Version 3 in 3.7 Version 4 and 5 will be deletet. In workflow you could end up that someone rolles back to the wrong version and you are stuck with this.

So if you rollback to Version 3 i wanted it to be copied und become a Version 6.

Regards Markus

Posted by Community Admin on 23-Apr-2010 00:00

How about viewstate management (for smaller pages)?  Like persisting it to a DB, or compression?

Posted by Community Admin on 26-Apr-2010 00:00

Hi all,

Concerning the latest reply - this is by design - when you roll back to a previous version, however we do have the other functionality available. In version of Sitefinity after 3.7 SP1 you can have a Restore button, which will restore to a selected version, by creating a new version without deleting previous ones.

Radoslav Georgiev
the Telerik team

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Posted by Community Admin on 15-Dec-2010 00:00

My feature requests are. Some of these may have already been discussed.

1. Search. Please tell me this will be in the initial release. This is major component that's missing from what I've seen.

2. Controls like Breadcrumbs, Site Treeview (I see Tree View, but it doesn't automatically work like Site Treeview from what I can see) and is Event Schedule View going away.

If these are going away or being replaced, can you please provide a video as soon as possible to show how I can easily add controls to the tool box, like standard .net controls and also how to configure the rad controls in the toolbox?

3. Date and time fields in the forms module.

4. Ability to have events filtered in order of the date they fall on and not when they were entered into the system. Similar functionality with document lists... example... filtering in alphabetical order and not by the default of whenever they were uploaded or changed last.

Please and Thank You!

Posted by Community Admin on 15-Dec-2010 00:00

Forgot one.

Control that allows you to switch themes. I had to hack 3.7 SP3 to do this. This one is very important to my project, so if there isn't a control I'll have to hack 4.0 to do this. Hopefully it's still possible with 4.0, if it's not, I'm going to have a big problem. But, if there were a simple control, it would make my life so much easier.

Posted by Community Admin on 16-Dec-2010 00:00

Hi all,

and thanks for the valuable suggestions. These were all logged and will be considered in the next implementation iterations.

A few follow-ups:

  • Search: is coming as part of the official release. RC 2 with search will be released the next week.
  • Controls like Breadcrumbs, Site Treeview and Event Schedule View are planned to be added in Q1 and 2.
    In those first quarters we will focus on catching up on all those features that we had in 3.7.
  • Rollback - creates a new version in 4.0. 
  • 4 eye Workflow has been logged. Such custom worklfows can be implemented by developers who know WW 4.0. 
  • Show in navigation from till function for page  can be achieved by Scheduling publication/expiration of a page. This will be released the next week.  

Keep the ideas coming.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team
Do you want to have your say when we set our development plans? Do you want to know when a feature you care about is added or when a bug fixed? Explore the Telerik Public Issue Tracking system and vote to affect the priority of the items

Posted by Community Admin on 17-Dec-2010 00:00

  • 4 eye Workflow has been logged. Such custom worklfows can be implemented by developers who know WW 4.0. 

Possible in SBE?
Possible in SE?


Posted by Community Admin on 21-Dec-2010 00:00

Hi Markus ,

Customizing the worklfow will be possible in Professional and Enterprise editions only.

the Telerik team

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Posted by Community Admin on 22-Dec-2010 00:00

Dear Kalina

I was under the impression that a classic 4-eyes workflow would be possible in the standard edition. From your post I somehow get the feeling I was wrong.

4 eyes workflow

Person A and Person B have the same role with edit and publish rights, but can not publish their own stuff.

Can you confirm that this scenario will NOT be possible in Standard Edtion.


Posted by Community Admin on 28-Dec-2010 00:00


We will have custom workflow in Professional and Enterprise editions where we allow changing the workflow xaml files. This will allow you to add custom  flow decision through code in the xaml files

CType(workflowItem, Content).Owner == SecurityManager.GetCurrentUserName())

Kind regards,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team

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