First Impressions
First impressions count and find myself treading water in the trough of disillusionment. Positive is the design team has done a great job its aesthetically intuitive and expect the layout percentage widths will need a work around for fixed size images and has been partially addressed. However table layout and the dreaded ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ctl00 are still present and Scott did say this is now optional, ok it's not Version 4 of the framework with a promise to address table based layouts!
John needs to change permissions found in the settings tab using IE8 presses F12 finding more than expected 830 lines of code. Also switching between nodes the label change is the only indicator that something is happening and finally the list changes, the quick fix is not to blink. Browsers such as Google speed tracer and Firefox or F12 in explorer provide a visual overview and showing heavy script and viewstate utilization, I can accept to a degree i'm not running a CDN or server installation but struggling to get out the 60's.
So since Q1 2009 Sitefinity 4 was on the table and a mentioned closed CTP in November 2009 with a webcast released and recalled, now I find a beta is expected Q2 2010. This is acceptable for a free product but as a paid service you need to be blinkered to the fact its far from a great out of the box experience looking at the backend.
Best Regards,
My first impressions
+ Layouts
- Far from beeing beta - so much stuff not implemented
- To me it seems much slower (hosting in US wi
- Liked the old UI Backend much better so far, was more structured to me. Less dropdowns. Duplicate Page was accessable with one click (lower left) now you have to click actions first.
I would consider it a pre alpha but sure Telerik will make it better. I hope they will take all the time to consider and implement the feedback befor releasing. 3.7 is a fine product so we can live with waiting for 4.0 till the end of the year (though I don't think the product will be ready by then)
Love telerik products, but to me my first impression is defenitely not a wow experiance.
Regards Markus
Looks good so far...but definitely there are many things to be improved/implement.
I agree with Markus Berchtold that 4.0 may not be ready till end of year...
i read somewhere in forums that 4.0 will be available in mid of this year. but looks like it won't be :-(
IE profiler was run via F12 against 3.7 and 4 showing remarkable differences when trying to navigate. In 3.7 Page > Templates > Page > Edit inclusive time took 1748 milliseconds while the same process in version 4 Settings > BackendPages > Pages took 28168 equating to 28 seconds thats 33 resting heart beats that shot up to 75. When the page finally loaded there are two internal script errors and had no option but to back out. These are simple test methods that can differ from machine to machine and may indicate I need a rebuild.
Great work and is definitely one to look out for in the future.