Sticky thread what is done, what is missing

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 08:22

Sticky thread what is done, what is missing

All Replies

Posted by Community Admin on 12-May-2010 00:00

It would be nice if we had a sticky thread post that would show in a matrix what we have and what we can expect

Kind of

WHAT               CTP        ALPHA           BETA 1             BETA         RC        RTM       Final
Workflow            NO            No               Planned              Yes           Yes       Yes         Yes
Create Pages     YES          YES                YES                 YES          YES       YES        YES
Link to pages      NO            NO                   NO                    NO           NO        NO          NO
Duplicate pages  NO            YES                YES                    YES       YES        YES        YES

Since I douild not use table this might look bad above.

The idea is to see (kind of a feature request and road map) what we can expect an when.
It would alos prevent people from asking the same questinons over again. Like - Where is the workflow

And whats preventing Telerik to add Sitefinity to PITS? 


PS: I would love the community to get involed very early to make the best sitefinity ever. Telerik provides great products and I think if they listen even more to the people using it - especially in an early stage everyone would benefit.

Posted by Community Admin on 14-May-2010 00:00

Hi Markus ,

This week we prepared the plans for the Beta release and we will post it in the forum as a sticky note, as you suggested.

As to the Public Issue Tracking system - our web team is working on enhancements to this application, and will need some time to implement it for Sitefinity. In the meanwhile, the forums would be the best media to capture such feedback.

Best wishes,
the Telerik team

Do you want to have your say when we set our development plans? Do you want to know when a feature you care about is added or when a bug fixed? Explore the Telerik Public Issue Tracking system and vote to affect the priority of the items.

Posted by Community Admin on 02-Jun-2010 00:00

Hey Markus,

Your original post is (partially) what kicked me into action on this.  Our eventual plan is to add Sitefinity to PITS.  However, in the meantime we now have a Pre-Release UserVoice forum:

I know you've already sent me a lot of feedback, it would be great if you could generate some ideas on this forum.

Thanks for all your help!  :)

Gabe Sumner
Telerik | Sitefinity CMS

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Jun-2010 00:00

Dear Gabe

Thanks for your feedback here is mine

a) Well it's a start
b) I rather have it seen in PITS moderated by Telerik. Now it's back to brainstorming and not much structure (categories, double entries, similar entries, ideas already logged by telerik and so on)
c) if PITS is ready someone we will start off there again. Telerik or we will have to enter the same ideas again.
    (just don't understand why a firm like telerik with so much knowhow can not integrate Sitefinity into PITS in a weeks time.
d) I always dislike the display of top on the first page. Why
    - I say the tops will get more votes because they are read more often
    - New votes are as importent as well but will always end up all the way to the end and have to work there way up

So if you have any advanced control over I would rather see it that "new" is selected instad of 'top'.

It would be nice (even though its a lot of work) if telerik could also enter stuff they have allready logged

Keep up the good work.

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Jun-2010 00:00

Hey Markus,

Why not just use PITS?

There are some technical hurdles that need to be overcome before Sitefinity gets added to PITS.  I didn't want these challenges to get in the way of gathering valuable feedback today.  UserVoice can be launched quickly (without requiring me to request internal resources) and gives us an immediate forum for these suggestions.

Moderation, duplicated ideas, abuse

To some degree, this will come down to personal preference.  However, this is my approach: aim for engagement and then layer on moderation (or governance) as needed.  Getting people to engage with systems is already difficult enough.  I didn't want to make this even harder by adding layers of security & moderation?  This is an experiment though and I might layer on governance later, if needed.  For now, I'm happy with engagement though.  :)

Re-entering ideas into PITS

Behind the scenes all of this stuff is going into TFS and PITS is fed by TFS.  When Sitefinity begins using PITS, it shouldn't be hard for these ideas to re-surface.

The popular get more popular

I'm a bit concerned about this as well.  However, in theory, good ideas should get accepted and will then migrate from the "suggested" to the "accepted".  This is only day 2 so I haven't yet "accepted" any ideas.  I'm giving the community time to sort the list.


Thanks for asking and for your suggestions.  This is an experiment and a work in progress.  

Gabe Sumner
Telerik | Sitefinity CMS

Posted by Community Admin on 07-Jun-2010 00:00

Dear Gabe

How about making a sticky thread with a link to in order to get as many ideas as possible?


Regards Markus

Posted by Community Admin on 08-Jun-2010 00:00


Take your chance to make 4.0 the best CMS ever.

Bring your ideas to

Better work now and help Telerik and us then complain later about missing features :-)


Posted by Community Admin on 09-Jun-2010 00:00

Yes lets create forum posts that will never be read again and not accountable for, lots of talk and no action.

Sitefinity on PITS earlier makes sense even in the CTP and Beta releases. This would highlight the partial implementation and appreciate at the current level would damage the image of Telerik as a high level of posts would be visible. Basically it's not even near and expect on release it will be no different to previous generations with constant bug fixing and workarounds after early evaluation.

What happened to the dynamic form creation and analytical responses to these forms.

Best Regards

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