Next Version When?
Since it seems thet so many features are still missing in this version. When can we expect more for testing and feedback?
If you look at a lot of the threads you will read. Is not implemented yet.
So when do we expect the next CTP version?
Regards Markus
I think the next release is the "beta" version and it´s scheduled to be released in June.
All the best.
Hi Johnny and Marcus,
The next beta version is scheduled for late summer. You should expect it some time in August.
All the best,
Radoslav Georgiev
the Telerik team
Dear Radoslav
Thanks for the feedback. I rather have an alpha sooner so we can help testing and provide feedback in an earlier stage of the developing process. Gives us the feeling that you could listen to us if you wanted.
Once its in beta most of the stuff is done and you wont probably change anything if any ideas, even good once come up.
Regards Markus
What's worrying me is that if you look at the previous posts...release seems to have gone from June->july->august in a few weeks :)
I does not worry me a bit if Telerik decides to release 4.0 at the end of 2011.
4.0 must be a lot better then 3.7. And not just technology wise up to date but also from a usabilty side of view as well as usabilty for rapid deploiment for small firms.
We do not actually have a right ot any new product.
So from me. Telerik take your time and make the best CMS ever.
Thanks for involving us at a eary stage and all the way.
Regards Markus