Urgent... Menu's not rendering properly.
I'am having two menus in a master page. A Top menu and a Left Menu. I have used default skin for the Top of the Menu and CSS for the left hand side menu, for that i have set false to enableEmbeddedSkin property.
Now the problem is the top menu which i used default skin to design renders without any design(just black, functionalities are working)
Can you pls advice me to over come this pls........
Could you pls advice me on this.. Many Thanks in advance ..
Hi GabbaSL,
Thank you for using our services.
Could you please show us a live link with your menus. It will help us see why your menu is not rendering properly. How do you define the CSS for the second menu? Do you add the css in your theme and then set the CSS class property through the control editor in Sitefinity? Could you give us more information on how you set the two menus, and if you have a .skin file defined in your theme folder?
Radoslav Georgiev
the Telerik team
Could u pls advice me how to attach a image..
i am having a simple CSS .
color: #000000;
FONT-SIZE: 11px;
COLOR: #777777;
FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
FONT-VARIANT: small-caps;
font-style: normal;
color: #CC0000;
text-decoration: underline;
Two of them menus i have included as user controls . Left hand side menu i have included the CSS as
<link href="App_Themes/SkinFile/AHMenu.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Please apologise me i am developing in my local machine , since that i couldnt submit a link.
Hi GabbaSL,
If you are working with RadMenu wrapped into a user control you can take a look at the following KB article: Controling appearance of RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX in Sitefinity. In your case since you are working with multiple menus on the same page the best way to do this would be to:
1) Add your style sheet with custom styles, creating your custom skin as described in the artile, to the theme which your pages use.
2) Do not create .skin file in your theme folder, rather use each menu's edit tool to specify if you wish to use embedded skins, or if you wish to use custom skin as in attached image.
Radoslav Georgiev
the Telerik team
Hiii Radoslav Georgiev ...
Many thanks for your prompt reply's. Repeating thanks a lot. I will go through your links and get back..