Can only browse administration page using deployment tool?
It appears I can only go to the administration page via the demployment tool when clicking on 'Administration'.
Can I not go to the administration page of the site using localhost/SiteFinity/ ?
Hi Preston,
The Project Manager does not create the website on IIS by default. The Project Manager uses its own built in webserver. You can create websites on IIS if when creating new project you click the Browse button, select IIS and choose in which local website to create the project.
I've tried this, but then when trying to use sql server as a database i receive this error
Nevermind, i needed to enable windows and anonymous authentication on iis to get past this.
I have tried deploying using Filesystem/IIS and 'http://localhost/sitename/Sitefinity/Startup' but stillr receive 'page cannot be displayed'. However, I can browse the default page 'http://localhost/sitename/' .
Hi Preston Cooksey,
Delete all files that has been created by the Project Manager and start from the beginning. the ProjectManage uses its own server and you should not have such troubles. If the problem persists, please provide some more details and steps that we can follow to replicate this issue locally. So far we have not experienced such problems.
Sincerely yours,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
My apologies, I think I didn't make it clear.
The SiteFinity Project Manager tool works fine and I can browse and administrate the site using the tool, but only if site is set to 'FileSystem'. So when the url is 'localhost:39574/.../', I can view the administration page just fine, but if I set the project as IIS rather than filesystem, the url for the administration page of 'localhost/.../' displays the error 'page cannot be found'
My actual goal is to have the files created locally, then copy the files to a remote server, in order to share with business partners. I cannot setup the 'remote' http option for the site because I receive frontpage extension errors and I use the ftp option because that option is currently not available.
Hello Preston Cooksey,
The FrontPageException is caused if you are trying to create a website on IIS 7.5 remotely. The problem is caused because IIS 7.5 does not support front page extensions.
When you use the project manager to create a website on local IIS and you say you are getting an error, could you please specify what is the error exactly. To me it sounds that it is a configuration issue with IIS.
All the best,
Radoslav Georgiev
the Telerik team
I can get to the homepage using http://localhost/sitename/ , but when I attempt to get to the administration page at http://localhost/sitename/Sitefinity/ I get "page cannot be displayed". I can only get to the administration function if the Sitefinity project manager is hosting it such as http://localhost:4000/sitename/Sitefinity/ .
I am trying to use IIS on another server, which I do not have access to. I do not want the Sitefinity Project manager hosting it.
Sorry, the error message is 'page cannot be found' . http://localhost/Sitefinity redirects to http://localhost/sitename/Sitefinity/Login?ReturnUrl=/Sitefinity/ with the message 'page cannot be found'.
Hi Preston Cooksey,
I ham using IIS 7.5 on Windows 7. You can see the steps I go through to create a project on IIS.
All the best,
Radoslav Georgiev
the Telerik team
Thanks for posting this. I'm to the point where I can copy files to our development server, but receive the following error in most of the Administration pages. I've made no special settings in IIS 6 that I am aware of.
Hello Preston Cooksey,
There is some issue with your environment setup. You can take a look at the following posts/articles.
All the best,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team