Editor Content Area Css
Where do I change the default Editor Content Area Css file?
Hi Steve,
The RadEditor declaration of backend templates is located in embedded HtmlField.ascx. Setting EditorContentArea could be done with EmbeddedResourcePropertySetter control. Currently we do not expose the external templates.
All the best,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
This is something we are trying to do as well. Can you walk me through each step of how to do this like I am a 3yr old?
What we need to do is add classes to the dropdown. We can add the actual CSS to the Theme if necessary.
Hello danfinney,
There is a post about how to do this, but we are experiencing some issues with this.
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
That post is not geared toward 3yr olds nor the feint of heart.