Proper way to link to images from css?

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 21:15

Proper way to link to images from css?

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Posted by Community Admin on 01-Sep-2010 00:00

I'm attempting to create a custom theme in sitefinity 4. Right now I'm working with the layout.css file in my new theme but I need to add references to images stored in the images folder. Right now I have to use a very long url to get to the images, while I've seen in other theme's css files some type of folder referencing that uses . (period) instead of / .

I have to use : /sitefinity4/Sitefinity/WebsiteTemplates/MaxQ/App_Themes/DefaultTheme/images/bg.jpg

while I see this used elsewhere :
url(<% = WebResource("Telerik.Sitefinity.Resources.Themes.Basic.Images.sfPublicContent.gif") %>)

What's going on there? Can I use that type of referencing? I've read through the designers guide and it tells me everything except how to actually design and implement a theme... although it was helpful when I was setting up the new theme.

What is the preferred way for defaultheme/global/layout.css or reference images stored in defaulttheme/images ?

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Sep-2010 00:00

Hello Chris,

The stylesheet is located in the theme folder where is Images folder, so you can reference an image as shown below


Kind regards,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team

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Posted by Community Admin on 20-Feb-2015 00:00


 How I can refer to image in theme from template?

 For example, I've added Content Block and need to add <img> tag.




P.S.: Seems, I found answer here:

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