build key Build Key[Telerik.Sitefinity.Security.RoleManager,

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 18:41

build key Build Key[Telerik.Sitefinity.Security.RoleManager, SqlProvider]) failed

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Posted by Community Admin on 09-Sep-2010 00:00

I've added custom membership and role provider settings to the 
SecurityConfig.config and added a connection string they use to the DataConfig.config.
I want to use .NET built in role and membership providers using the aspnet_Roles and
aspnet_Membership tables. This is in a different db than the Sitefinity db.
The DataConfig.config has both connection strings.
My new custom role provider uses the connectionstring to the DB with the ASP.NET role
and membership tables.

My custom roleprovider settings added to SecurityConfig.config are:  
<add name="SqlProvider" type="System.Web.Security.SqlRoleProvider,
System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"
connectionStringName="CustomProviders" applicationName="/" />

I didn't use the CMS editor since I didn't see a way to add a connectionStringName

I changed the  Settings> Configuration> Security> DefaultBackendRoleProvider
to my custom provider called SqlProvider.

I figured this way I can log in using Sitefinity's default membership provider
and see if I can use my custom role provider to work and display roles from my db's
aspnet_Roles table which the controls the CMS will manage are using. I eventually want to
do this for a custom membership provider but I want to get this working first.

I was able to login as expected (since I didn't change the
DefaultBackendMembershipProviderhowever) however now I'm getting the following error
when I click Settings>Roles

build key Build Key[Telerik.Sitefinity.Security.RoleManager, SqlProvider]) failed:
The parameter providerName could not be resolved when attempting to call
constructor Telerik.Sitefinity.Security.RoleManager(System.String providerName,
System.String transactionName). (Strategy type BuildPlanStrategy, index 5)]

I added a post yesterday but am posting again as since then I got a little further
and have a different exception...if there isn't a good enough explanation here
please see my post yesterday.

Posted by Community Admin on 16-Sep-2010 00:00

Hi Sean,

Standard ASP.NET Role, Membership and Profile providers cannot work properly in Sitefinity 4.0 BETA, because of a missing implementation in our wrappers that "converts" all data. The error you get is called from Enterprise library due to issues caused by our code. We will ensure that there will not be issues with standard providers for the RC of Sitefinity. I am sorry if this have caused any inconvenience for you.

Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team

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