HTTP Error 500.19

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 11:30

HTTP Error 500.19

All Replies

Posted by Community Admin on 12-Sep-2010 00:00

Running the latest beta from August
Windows 7

I followed the instructions on this page:

So the only change I made to the web.config file was to add:

<remove name="WebDAVModule"/>

Everything else is defaulted.

Note:  I left the manager the first time before I tried to login to the site the first time and then it wouldn't let me.  Kind of annoying.  Maybe you can put a value in the project xml file to signal that the initialization of the site is still pending.

TIA for the IIS configuration help!

Posted by Community Admin on 13-Sep-2010 00:00

Hi Tom Miller,

Make sure ASP.NET Framework 2.0 and 3.5 SP1 is installed.  By default, ASP is not installed with IIS.

You need to install ASP.NET 2.0 and 3.5 SP1from control panel -> programs and features -> turn windows features on or off under IIS - this will add the correct handler mapping for content including  all extensions.

Check whether there is not application inheritance if you are installing Sitefinity as a child application.

Kind regards,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team

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Posted by Community Admin on 13-Sep-2010 00:00

You where right, I didn't have IIS / ASP.Net turned on. 

I do have .Net 3.5.1 installed, but there are a couple of option regarding WCF.  Should I turn those on too?

Not sure what you mean by application inheritance reference. I just did the normal install.

Will reply later with my success or continued issue as soon as I test with the ASP.Net stuff turned on!

Posted by Community Admin on 13-Sep-2010 00:00

Hello Tom,

Ok let me know if there are any other issues. Generally it is better to use .NET 3.5 which provides more options and functionality that .NET 2.0.

Sincerely yours,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team

Do you want to have your say when we set our development plans? Do you want to know when a feature you care about is added or when a bug fixed? Explore the Telerik Public Issue Tracking system and vote to affect the priority of the items

Posted by Community Admin on 14-Sep-2010 00:00

OK, I got further. 

Now I am getting this error:

Configuration Error

Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Could not load file or assembly 'Oracle.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

Source Error:

Line 173:		<healthMonitoring>
Line 174:			<providers>
Line 175:				<add name="OracleWebEventProvider" type="Oracle.Web.Management.OracleWebEventProvider, Oracle.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342" connectionStringName="OraAspNetConString" buffer="true" bufferMode="OracleNotification"/>
Line 176:			</providers>
Line 177:		</healthMonitoring>

I have every version of ASP.Net installed on this machine.  1.0 - 4.0  I read somewhere, that the ASP.Net 2.0 pool automatically picks up what it needs from 3.5 when installed.  Let me know if that is false and please point me to a trusted site for information on configuring this for IIS 7.5

I was playing with a Membership install of Oracle a while back.  This is the only Oracle thing I have played with on this machine.  Can I just remove this section, or do I need to replace it with something else.

Using SQL EXPRESS for this site.

Posted by Community Admin on 14-Sep-2010 00:00

Hi Tom,

This is a line that you have added to the web.config and it is not part of the default installation. We also do not ship a dll Oracle.Web, so I suppose that this is some custom provider you have created. The error says that Oracle.Web is not accessible, it is not in your bin folder or your project does not have reference to it.

Best wishes,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team

Do you want to have your say when we set our development plans? Do you want to know when a feature you care about is added or when a bug fixed? Explore the Telerik Public Issue Tracking system and vote to affect the priority of the items

Posted by Community Admin on 14-Sep-2010 00:00

I removed the stuff for Oracle.  It was left over from some playing around with an Oracle product. 

Manage Dashboard comes up, I select SQL Express, hit OK, and get the following error:

Server Error in '/' Application.

Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: Telerik.OpenAccess.RT.sql.SQLException: Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed.

Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Stack Trace:

[SQLException: Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed.]
   Telerik.OpenAccess.RT.Adonet2Generic.Impl.DBDriver.connect(ConnectionString connectionString, IDictionary driverProps) +1124 +1435

[OpenAccessException: Telerik.OpenAccess.RT.sql.SQLException: Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed.]
   Telerik.OpenAccess.RT.ExceptionWrapper.Throw() +13 str, Exception e) +105 +1719
   Telerik.OpenAccess.RT.OpenAccessSchemaAdapter.CreateDatabase(Boolean checkOnly) +555
   Telerik.OpenAccess.SchemaHandlerImpl.Telerik.OpenAccess.ISchemaHandler.CreateDatabase() +60
   Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.Decorators.OpenAccessDecorator.UpgradeDatabase(Database db) +63
   Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.Metadata.OAMetadataLoader.Init(String connectionName, String connectionConfig, Assembly[] references, CultureInfo[] cultures) +977
   Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.Decorators.OpenAccessDecorator.SetDynamicFields(String connName, XElement config, Assembly[] references, CultureInfo[] cultures, XNamespace xmlns) +832
   Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.Decorators.OpenAccessDecorator.ParseConnectionString(String connectionStringName, String key, Assembly[] references, CultureInfo[] cultures) +3259
   Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.Decorators.OpenAccessDecorator.EstablishConnection(String connName, String key, Assembly[] references, CultureInfo[] cultures) +23
   Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.Decorators.OpenAccessDecorator.GetDatabase(String connectionStringName, Assembly[]& references, CultureInfo[] cultures, Boolean& requiresReset) +146
   Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.Decorators.OpenAccessDecorator.InitializeProvider(IOpenAccessDataProvider provider, String connectionName) +121
   Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.Decorators.OpenAccessDecorator.InitializeDatabase(DataProviderBase dataProvider, NameValueCollection config) +110
   Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.Decorators.OpenAccessDecorator.Initialize(String providerName, NameValueCollection config, Type managerType) +22
   Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.DataProviderBase.Initialize(String providerName, NameValueCollection config, Type managerType, Boolean initializeDecorator) +975
   Telerik.Sitefinity.Data.DataProviderBase.Initialize(String providerName, NameValueCollection config, Type managerType) +18
   Telerik.Sitefinity.Web.UI.Backend.StartupWizard.CreateInstantProvider(String providerName, String connectionString, ConfigElementDictionary`2 providers) +795
   Telerik.Sitefinity.Web.UI.Backend.StartupWizard.GetRoleProvider() +116
   Telerik.Sitefinity.Web.UI.Backend.AdministratorPane.ValidateMembership() +29
   System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument) +29
   System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +2981

Posted by Community Admin on 15-Sep-2010 00:00

Got it up and running.  There were other security issues with IIS.  I did some more research and ended up changing an IIS security item for the application pool and adding LOCAL SERVICE security to my web site directory and it started working.

Posted by Community Admin on 15-Sep-2010 00:00

Also added IIS_IUSRS.   Now it seems to work fine.

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