Format of backcolour propery
I'm trying to set the backcolor property on a image content but I can't figure out the correct format. I'm always getting the error message "Input string not in the correct format". Anyone know the correct format?
Hi Michael Aston,
This property will render for only certain controls. For example, Table, Panel, DataGrid, Calendar, and ValidationSummary will render this property. It will also work for CheckBoxList, RadioButtonList and DataList if their RepeatLayout property is RepeatLayout.Table, not RepeatLayout.Flow.
BackColor is a public property of WebControl class. By default our controls inherit from CompositeControl which inherits from WebControl and this is why you might see some of these properties in the Control Designer, but we have not exposed implementation that will render your changes to BackColor property.
Kind regards,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team