Additional Content Providers and Metadata

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 19:11

Additional Content Providers and Metadata

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Posted by Community Admin on 04-Oct-2010 00:00


In Sitefinity 3.x you can create additional providers for Generic Content based modules eg. Generic Content, News etc. and also add additional metadata fields. We often have to do this with most 3.x projects but since this stuff is no longer in web.config and I can't see it in settings. 

How is this done in 4.0? Specifically:

How do you add an additional GC provider (if it is still called that) for GC based modules in 4.0?
How do you add additional metadata fields for GC based modules?

Apologises if it is in the manuals somewhere - I have had a flick through them but couldn't find.



Posted by Community Admin on 04-Oct-2010 00:00

Hi Seth,

We are working on a sample module and we will illustrate in our sample how you can create a new type of a given module. We will create a blog post or include the sample as an article in our documentation. There are  issues that make this task no so easy as it is in 3.x editions and currently we are modifying our code to simplify this process.

All the best,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team

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Posted by Community Admin on 04-Oct-2010 00:00

Hi Ivan,

This seems like a concern - often in a development we have 2 - 5 Generic Content providers to handle things like FAQs, Glossary, Directories and then often in News we will have two providers - "News" and "Media Releases". Media Releases being the official news items and News being the more casual day to day bits of news.

I can't tell you how many times we have to add new metadata fields to a Module to cater for variances in client needs eg. additional news fields we often add for example are thumbnail, image and download (for the pdf version of the news item) 

Both these capabilities was one of the huge advantages of 3.x - being able to reasonably quickly add extra data stores as providers with slightly different fields for different types of content.

So are you saying that both those features are going to be harder in 4.0 and quite possibly we will have to get our developer tools out to create additional providers and add new fields for 4.0 (as opposed to just HTML and web.config editing in 3.x).

We still love 4.0 by the way but those features are pretty commonly used in our current sites.



Posted by Community Admin on 05-Oct-2010 00:00

Hello Seth,

I would not say that the creating of the provider is harder in 4.0. I would say that the way is different, because of the new architecture and there are some specific things that you need to do. We started working on a sample, but it is not complete yet.
Currently there is  missing implementation in the backend and even adding the providers, you will not be able to switch them from the backend - we have not implemented the ComboBox that will allow you to do this.

Generally the steps for creating a new provider for existing module are( this is how you can do this from the configuration, so you will not work programmatically)

1. Go to settings

2. Select an existing provider - say Libraries and expand its Providers node

3. On the right screen click "Create new" - provideer

4. Set the provider settings

5. Then expand the newly create provider node and select "Parameters"

6. Add parameters - applicationName /Value

7.Restart the server

Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team

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Posted by Community Admin on 19-Nov-2010 00:00

Hi Ivan,

Now have my hands on the RC and I have created a FAQs provider from Generic Content module. I can see it now appears in a submenu when in the Generic Content Module.

So now how do we go about controlling the additional metadata fields like we could do in 3.x - I have looked at the SDK and couldn't see any documentation or an example.

Basically I would like to do the following.

Add 1 additional text metadata field called Question.

Is this possible yet?



Posted by Community Admin on 19-Nov-2010 00:00

Hello Webinsite,

Please take a look at this post - Creating Dynamic Type

Kind regards,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team

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