Templates, Templates, Templates!

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 16:52

Templates, Templates, Templates!

All Replies

Posted by Community Admin on 20-Oct-2010 00:00

I totally get that this product is still in beta, so i don't expect that everything is in working order.  However, i'd like to get some clarification on what is supposed to be actual behavior, and what may be a bug.

when it comes to Template-
Should there be a template created in the file system when you create a template through the sitefinity interface?

When i create a template through the UI add some content like a header image, then create a "derived" template from it- the new template inherits the header image content.  Much like inheriting classes in .net.
However, when i create a template in the file system and import the master page into sitefinity, this content inheritance doesn't work anymore.  I can add content to my imported master page, but when i make a derived template in the UI, the new template doesn't have the content i added to the master template.
Also, i tried importing nested master pages (my attempt at inheriting a master structure through visual studio at the file level), but the nested master pages don't seem to inherit from their parents.
Whats up with all the inconsistency?


Posted by Community Admin on 20-Oct-2010 00:00

Hello Aaron,

The difference is in the Layout that you are going to use. Here you have two options - to use our Layout builder or choose a layout that comes from a physical master page file. In both the cases the template is dynamically create and stored into the database. Generally it is better to use use our Layout builder instead of the physical master page file. For nesting some pages and elements you should use Layout builder  elements. The support for nested templates within Sitefinity 4.0 Beta is working with templates you build from the Template Editor. You can create a base template from the Sitefinity UI and add parent place holders. Then create child templates which will use the first one as a base. The newly create template will inherit the logic from the base template and all controls inside it. When you use  physical master files the content cannot be parsed properly.

Best wishes,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team

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