Multiple controls with the same ID for ToolTip

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 19:25

Multiple controls with the same ID for ToolTip

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Posted by Community Admin on 10-Nov-2010 00:00

  • I can get the RadToolTip to work fine in a web page in my generic website, but am having difficulty getting it to work in the SF web site.  I am using SF 4.0 Beta 2.0
  • I am trying to use the RadToolTip in the SF Edit-A-Page screen.  This is what I do
    1. drag a Content Block to the design surface.
    1. enter some text in the text area
    1. go to Advanced, and enter myContentBlock in the ID property
    2. Save it
    3. drag the RadControls ToolTip to the design surface, and complete the following properties




my title


my text

  1. Save it
  2. Preview page and I get error:  Multiple controls with the same ID 'C001' were found. FindControl requires that controls have unique IDs.
  3. So I go back to edite-a-page screen and
  4. I edit the ToolTip properties so that

IsClientID = true

  1. Then when I preview the page, it does not error but the mouse over does not work - it does nothing.
  2. So I do this
  1. I get the exact name of the div that I will be mousing over
  1. So I go back to edite-a-page screen and
  1. I edit the ToolTip properties so that

TargetControlID = the-exact-name-in-the-client

  1. I Preview the page and the mouse over does nothing


Posted by Community Admin on 12-Nov-2010 00:00

Hi Phillip,

Thank you for the provided steps. I followed them with the RC candidate and I am not able to replicate the issue. Let me explain you how the RadToolTip can work together with ContentBlock Control.

1.By default, RadToolTip assumes a server ID. If the ID is client-side, as in the case where an element is pure HTML and not a server control, then the IsClientID property should be set to True.

2. The content block is displayed by Literal with ID - "contentHtml" which ID is not rendered.

3. If you work with the UI you can set the RadToolTip only with the client ID which is generated by a div that wraps the ContentBlock text and its is randomly generated for instance

<div id="" class="sf_colsIn sf_2cols_1in_75"><div class="sfContentBlock"> 

Best wishes,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
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