mobile web development in SF 4.0
Wiil Sitefinity 4.0 support building mobile websites?
Are there plans to implement a feature in Sitefinity to serve up different
templates based on the device or will templates be available for mobile
site development?
Thank You
Hello carlag,
We have plans for mobile support, but we will not provide this functionality for the official release. This will happen on a later stage - 4.1 or 4.2
Kind regards,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
Not sure what you are looking for but at Automated Results, we added some code to Session Start to recognize a mobile device and redirect to the mobile subsite if one was specified. We maintain a table of possible mobile device names that show up in the useragent to know if a session is from a mobile device or not.
blnMobileRedirect = False
If gstrMobileURL.Trim <> "" Then
Dim strMobileDeviceName As String = ""
If objTblMobileDevice.IsMobile(strUserAgent, strMobileDeviceName) Then
objBusWebsite.AuditTrail.RecordInstance("Mobile", "Redirect", "Redirecting mobile device '" & strMobileDeviceName & "' to mobile website: " & gstrMobileURL, objBusWebsite.Context.UserName)
blnMobileRedirect = True
End If
End If
I'm needing to implement this solution (or some solution) for mobile devices for a client, but I'm mystified by how to use the code you've provided. Where would I place the code you've cited?
Additionally, will this solution allow the mobile side to mirror exactly any contextual changes made in the non-mobile side?
Thanks for the assistance.