Rad Editor customization ,Generic Content list filtering,Download list not displaying thumb nails.
Can you please help on these three questions.
Hello Venkat,
1. DownloadList control shows thumbnails depending on the file extension.
2. You can set a custom ToolsFile for the RadEditor control as shown in this post or create new EditorConfigurations from Administration >> Settings >> Appearance where you can use
MinimalEditorConfiguration or StandardEditorConfiguration a a key and the value should be the path to your tools xml file.
3. Filtering for this control could be done from the control definition when you open the control for editing go to Home > ControlDefinition > Views > GenericContentMasterView
where you should pass the taxon id
) AND Visible =
AND Status = Live AND PublicationDate <= DateTime.UtcNow AND (ExpirationDate = NULL OR ExpirationDate > DateTime.UtcNow)
Hi Ivan,
Thank you for you reply.
In our application we are having list of pdf documents with a thumb nail image (preview of the first page of the pdf).
We need to show the pdf documents as download links with associated thumb nail images.
As you said, sitefinity will show thumbnails depending up on the document type,but we want to show different thumb nail images for different pdf documents.
How can we achieve this using sitefinity.
Hello Venkat,
After the BETA2 we implemented a configuration which allows you to set your own FrontendMasterListView. In the RC you will be able to create a custom list view that inherits from DownloadMasterViewBase. Inside your view you can override DataBindDocumentList and set your custom image depending on the file type.
Kind regards,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
Hi Ivan
I have gone to Home > ControlDefinition > Views > GenericContentMasterView from the edit view of the generic content list widget but not sure in which field we need to write the taxon Id.
And there you have given a GUID A9F2C13A-9472-4BF6-AB3D-19B2EF05B043
. Is this a GUID for the category we want to filter? How can we know the GUIDs of any entity (Category in this case) within the Sitefinity?
Hi Kiran,
This is the guild of the taxon - category or tag. Currently we do not have a selector that returns the taxon ID and you should get it from the database or you should have a custom control with a selector that returns the id. Our control does not support this out of the box.
Best wishes,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
So which table and column do you find this GUILD? The ones I've tried don't work...
Hi Stuart,
Please check [sf_taxa]
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
Well that's the table I thought you say. I assume as you've not said, the column ID?
Is there going to be a lookup in the GUI for this, you can't expect users to have access to the DB?
Hi Stuart,
Our idea is to provide selector for filtering the items. Currently you can filter by Category our News widget.
Best wishes,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team