Invalid time zone standard name.
System.ArgumentException: Invalid time zone standard name.
Here is a print screen to help you solve this anoying problem.
I'm having the exact same problem, any solution?
Hello Keivan,
Could you send us
~/App_Data/Sitefinity/Configuration/SystemConfig.config file or paste its content here in the thread.
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
In my case there is no such file on that path.
It happens even if I start with a new project, the new project doesn't have any files in the directory exept for ProjectConfig.config.
I'll paste the SystemConfig.config from another project that I've updated from Beta2.
I'm running +1 Stockholm TimeZone on a Swedish OS.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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<licensing />
Hi Keivan,
Could you try to add the following element to SystemConfig.config file
"W. Europe Standard Time"
Doesn't work for me, the same problem.
If I deply to a Server (IIS) (W2k8 R2 English) with Locale Swedish and TimeZone "Swedish" it works. Don't know what the difference is.
I have also the same problem with Time Zone.............
Doesn't work whatever value I tried in the uiTimeZoneSettings tag.
This is true for newly created projects or for Beta2 upgraded projects.
Hey Keivan, did you try on your US Windows to set Swedish as the Defaul System TimeZone ? My guess is that Sitefinity fails whenever the default TimeZone is non english. But I don't have the time to try that right now...
Hi Francois
I'm not sure what you mean, but the server is in production so I can't change any settings, but the server's timezone is Swedish. I tried to change my develop machine that have a Swedish OS to use different TimeZones and also to change Locale and Location, but no luck to get rid of the timezone error.
...also the same problem.....
just to push priority
(sitting here in Grmany)
Ok Keivan, don't change any system settings on your prod server!
I'll try that this evening if problemn isn't solved by then by Telerik.
I tried all the solutions here, except the systemconfig.config entry (because i don't have the file) and still, have the problem.
We have identified the problem. It is not the time zone, it is rather localization problem. It happens on some localized Windows versions. We will provide you with a temporary workaround within a couple of hours. A permanent solution will be available with the next build next week.
the Telerik team
Hi all,
Hey (Telerik) guys I know that you are doing the best you can, but do you have an update for us ? We've been stuck all day long on this issue...
Hey everyone,
Ok, thanks for the update gabe.
Hi Gabe,
Hi Bob,
Any news on this work around? Will this be resolved in the next release? Note, I have created a brand new project for version 4.0.907.0, and am getting the "invalid time zone standard name" error. The only file that exists in the \App_Data\Sitefinity\Configuration\ is ProjectConfig.config.
My development machine is running Windows Vista 32bit, IIS7, my local settings are set to New Zealand, but for curiosity sake, I changed my regional date format settings to Swedish, but didn't have much luck getting it running.
Look forward to the fix
Hello Haydn,
We have already fixed the issue in the code. Today, we are going to upload a new build in downloads section of client service accounts, so you will be able to download it.
All the best,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
Hey RobertZ121
whoever programs without bugs should throw the first stone..........!
Do you? Sad, that we have to wait, but *** happens......
You could still work on a template or something else, so no reason to be angry at the developers and telerik, since they are trying their best and trying to inform you about the next steps.
Thanks telerik for a great product and great communication!
(Mistakes are there to be made!) said by a wise guy ;-)
Erik, I subscribe to what you are saying.
It is a problem for me that Sitefinity isn't working as expected.
But we have to remember that it's still in it's beta phase and guess what, a beta version is expected to have bugs! That is precisely the reason why there is a beta phase: to identify and kill bugs :)
Thanks to Telerik for your outstanding commitment to you customers and the global quality of your work & efforts.
The new build is online
Hello Francois,
There are two fixes
I get this error now using Azure for the first time. I have 5.3.3900.0