Membership Providers - Wrappers
I am having a blast with the RC, my question is this:
I have a need to authenticate front end users from a standard sql membership provider.
Should I bother trying to add my sql provider now with RC? or do I have to wait for the final release?
Bob described the membership providers well in another post and at that time some of the provider wrapper functionality was not yet finished. I do want to be able to administer this provider's data in the backend so I am not sure in 4.0 the best way to get this accomplished. It sounds like one of the wrappers is the way to go.
Anyone have advice?
Link to the other post on the subject
Hello Bill,
We have MembershipProviderWrapper which is still not completed. The idea of MembershipProviderWrapper is to wrap standard ASP.NET provider to allow Sitefinity to work with third party membership providers that were not specifically designed for Sitefinity. This class is internal and you cannot use it directly but Sitefinity will automatically wrap all membership providers that are declared in web.config and they will become available in Sitefinity.
Currently the only way you have is creating a custom provider that inherits from MembershipDataProvider and implement it the Sitefinity wa
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
Thank you for saving me the time. I have this working just fine in 3.7 sp3, so we will have to stay with that till spring. I am a bit disappointed to not be working with RC in a real project now but I feel less stress already.
RC is a lot more fun to play around in when nothing matters with respect to your current project or projects.
Hello - Do you have an ETA for the completion of the MembershipProviderWrapper? I see that it is still not implemented in the 4.0 release build 1098.
Hi Bill,
We will have these wrappers with the Q1 release. We will post a detailed roadmap today.
Kind regards,Hi,
I saw that you guys released a SP1, however, reading the release notes (, I don't see any lines mentioning those wrappers.
Any news on the subject?
Hi Carl ,
"We will have these wrappers with the Q1 release."
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
I want to provide a login control for the public content of our website. I want the authentication to use a separate authentication database. If the wrappers were done, what is the recommended way of going forward with this? Should I inherit from Microsoft's MembershipProvider or should I use Telerik's MembershipDataProvider?
After answering that question, is there anything I can presently do with the MembershipProvider that I already built for 3.7? Do I absolutely have to wait until April 4?
Hello Abraham,
If you have already created ASP.NET Memebership providers which you use in 3.x edition, you should be able to use them in Sitefinity 4.0 Q1 release and from the description you provided I do not see a reason for creating a new membership provider for now.
Best wishes,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
Hello Ivan!
Sorry, but I do not understand, how to use my CustomMembershipProvider (RoleProvider too) based on System.Web.Security.MembershipProvider to manage Frontend and Backend-Users. The Provider has been written for Sitefinity 3.x and worked well.
When defined in Security -> MembershipProvider I get the Exception, that it is not based on MembershipDataProvider. Thats' true, but I thought, that I can use my Custom-Implementation because they are wrapped. My Version is 4.1
Am I missing something?
Thanks for Your help.
Greetings, Dieter
Hi Dieter,
You have to define the provider in the web.config of the project
<clear />
<add connectionStringName="SqlMembership" enablePasswordRetrieval="false"
enablePasswordReset="true" requiresQuestionAndAnswer="false"
requiresUniqueEmail="false" maxInvalidPasswordAttempts="5" minRequiredPasswordLength="6"
minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters="0" passwordAttemptWindow="10"
applicationName="/" name="AspNetSqlMembershipProvider" type="System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider" />
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team
Thanks Ivan,
now it seems, that is used a mix from the Providers in Backend. When i open the UserList there's only the admin (me) from the new Sitefinity-Installation but the roles from my CustomRoleProvider i added in web.config, also the Application-Roles. IMHO the MembershipProvider isn't used in Backend.
If I configure the Provider in Security I get the Exception mentioned in my previous post. Do You have any suggestions?
Greetings, Dieter
Hi Dieter,
Could you send us your web.config file so we can see how do you define your providers? There are some particularities - in order for a SitefinityMembershipProvider to work in web.config you should define a doubling provider in the SecurityConfig.config that inherits from MembershipDataProvider with the same name.
Best wishes,Thank You, Lubomir!
After elaborating a little more. I think that I've to dive much more deeper to accomplish our goal.
For SF 3.7 I've programmed a Membership-Provider where the User is a mix from Sitefinity-User and data from our CRM (Microsoft Dynamics Nav). Also the User-List has been mixed information and we were able to Sort an Search the list by values of both datasources.
Do I have to write a whole new module for sf4 to accomplish this as well, or is there a posibility to plug my own User-List into the existing User-Management.
Thanks again for Your help.
Greetings, Dieter
Hello Dieter,
The wrappers work only with the standard ASP.NET Membership Providers. This is valid for 3.x edition. If you have made some common objects, then they should work in 4.1 as well, if not you can consider using custom profile properties or implementing your own wrapper that inherits from Telerik.Sitefinity.Security.MembershipProviderWrapper
All the best,
Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team