Custom Navigation

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 11:53

Custom Navigation

All Replies

Posted by Community Admin on 25-Nov-2010 00:00

Hi guys,

I am completely new to sitefinity and looking to implement a website January time so have got a hold of the RC and I am playing about.  I must say, I like it...a lot. 

I have a requirement to create a more custom navigator than is out of the box available.

I would like a navigation menu that allows me to select which pages are visible and also have drop downs.  I started looking at some blogs but obviously the API has changed from the previous version to the new.  So the information I have found does not seem to apply.

Can someone help me out here? I don't mind if I have to write my own widget (I assume this is the case) but could somebody give me a nudge or a quick sample to point me in the right direction. 


Posted by Community Admin on 25-Nov-2010 00:00

Hi James,

You can use RadMenu or RadPanelBar control. You have to bind the control to the SiteMapDataSource control. By doing this the control will be automatically populated from the SiteMapProvider.
If you want to remove some nodes you can hook into ItemDataBound event of the control and just set item.Visible = false for the data item. Note that the SiteMap is a hierarchical structure and if you hide any node that has child you will not see the child nodes.  You can take a look at RadControls help and our documentation.

Ivan Dimitrov
the Telerik team

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Posted by Community Admin on 25-Nov-2010 00:00

Thanks again Ivan...I have already seen what I need to do based on the links you supplied.


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