using SF4 Dev API's
I am working on a new project, and i want to use SF4. but as SF4 trials displays Trial version messages randomly, i just cant afford to let my seniors view these trials msgs,
To solve this issue, temporary i design simple static html page and call webserivice via JQuery, and the web service returns the content coming from sitefinity. this way i can manage content in sitefinity, and in future when sf releases, i can design my UI in sitefinity etc, this way i can skip the trial msg, and i can post my content in sitefinity, although we are in development stage (just POC for UI and some content), there wont be any huge content/usgae of sitefinity, but starting using sf4 now will help us to evaluate sf4 before the final release...
i just need suggestion here....
Hello Muhammad Saqib,
Can you please elaborate a little bit on your question? We are having some hard time understanding what you need suggestions for. The trial messages should appear if you are not working on localhost domain. If you work on localhost you should not see trial messages.
Best wishes,
Radoslav Georgiev
the Telerik team