Create an album (images)
After I crate an album, I am just taken back to Upload an image, create an album.
I cant see my created albums at all. When I choose uploading an image then I can see the albums but not before.
PS: This seems to be only the case when no images are uploaded in an album yet.
Hello Markus,
We will solve this issue in some of the coming releases (ID 101916).
Thanks for taking the time to notify us of this omission.
50 points were added to your profile.
the Telerik team
Dear Kalina
Thanks a lot, but stop giving out telerik points so generously.
50 Points = 50 cents
This is an insult to all customers acutally doing beta testing an a so called RC.
(I am not sure if there are more bugs or features missing.)
I am really loyal to Telerik but this just simply pixxed my off!
I don't expect any points at all. To me its enough if you appreciate our beta tesing and keep on working on the product to get it as far as you can take it until January 14.
We all trying to give you a hand here so either show some real appreciation or just keep it to yourself.
PS: Your post would have been the first I would have rated -1 on your scale from 1 to 7
Hi Markus,
You know that we always appreciate the feedback that you give. Our CMS is built on your requirements and your ideas.
Apologies for the points, it seems that there has been some internal misunderstanding about them.