BUG: Creating Template from masterfile

Posted by Community Admin on 03-Aug-2018 05:06

BUG: Creating Template from masterfile

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Posted by Community Admin on 09-Dec-2010 00:00

When I attempt to create a template from a masterfile that I've already setup on my file system, I browse to the file and then the system forces me to enter a name for the template (it's a required field). The bug is that it gives me an error that there's a "Duplicate Name" and I can't continue. However if I cancel and return to Templates the Template was actually created.

As a request, I'd like to be able to actually define the name of the template to something other than the name of the .master file, but right now this isn't possible.

In addition as I've mentioned in another post, it's not really a bug but an error in the Documentation. It seems wrong to me that the default location the system looks for a .master file is ~/App_Master  but the documentation tells you to create this folder under App_Data/Sitefinity/etc...  Either the documentation should be fixed or the location the system looks for .master files by default should reflect your documentation.


Posted by Community Admin on 10-Dec-2010 00:00

Hello Phill,

The problem with duplicated master file exist in our bug tracking system as id 68380.
The problem with documentation is communicated with documentation team. Actually if App_Master exist in your file system we load this folder as a default.

When you work with VS ( dev environment ) it is more convenient to use App_Master or any other folder.

the Telerik team

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Posted by Community Admin on 29-Apr-2011 00:00

Hi there,

This bug has been around since before Dec 6th and still exists in a clean install of 4.1

"When I attempt to create a template from a masterfile that I've already setup on my file system, I browse to the file and then the system forces me to enter a name for the template (it's a required field). The bug is that it gives me an error that there's a "Duplicate Name" and I can't continue. However if I cancel and return to Templates the Template was actually created."

The same behavior described previously still happens. However if you give the Template a different name from the name of the .master file you actually get two templates created. One from the .master file and one based on the template that was created w/ the master file. 

Can this issue be added to PITS so it can be tracked? With the next release can you also do some testing using custom templates? I'm pretty sure minimal testing was done if any and this seems like a pretty common requirement to me.


Posted by Community Admin on 05-May-2011 00:00

Hello Phill ,

Thank you for reporting this issue. Actually I managed to reproduce your problem only in this case:

    1. Go to Design > Page templates
    2. Click "Create a template" 
    3. Click "Back to templates"
    4. Then click "Create a template" again
    5. Click "Use template" (notice that the template thumbnail is not loaded)
    6. Select your master file
    7. Type the same name as the master file
    8. Press "Create and go to add content" or "Create and return to Templates"
As a result : message "Duplicated Name!"
Selecting "Back to templates" actually creates the template

Delete this template - created after the error "Duplicated Name!". Select Design > Page templates and  try steps from 4 to 8 (on step 5 make sure that the default template thumbnail is visible before you select the master page ) - you will be able to create the template with the same name as the master page.

I updated your Telerik points. You can follow the issue here: 

Kind regards,
the Telerik team
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